Wednesday, September 16, 2009

.: Old Man Willow :.

"Old Man Willow" is a photo of a tree in my parents backyard. I took this pictures crouched on the ground which creates a worms eye view. He was shot with an aperture of 2.8 and a shutter speed of 1/60. I lightened the photo a bit and used the burn tool to create more saturation where the sunset is poking in through his branches.


  1. lol. i like how you saturated the background of this, and it's a good use of worm's eye view. i think you should try darker blacks in this photos (using levels) to see if it gives a sharper contrast.

  2. lines
    worm's eye view
    Love the face on the tree! The saturation on the sunset spots is great, maybe darken the facade of the tree, it seems a little to exposed.

  3. Element: Line
    Principle: Emphasis

    This picture totally made me laugh lol. The green color of the leaves against the dark background and tree is great and i love the line that the tree creates up the center of the picture.

    The tree is a bit too bright though, might want to darken it just a bit.
